Emilien Ravigné

Emilien Ravigné

Postdoctoral researcher in Economics

University of Oxford, Smith School

I am a postdoctoral researcher in Environmental Economics at the University of Oxford.

I study the conditions necessary for a just transition to a net zero society, with a primary focus on France and the United Kingdom. My research revolves around assessing the impacts of different transition pathways on the production side - impact on productivity, technical change and wages - and on the consumption side - income and the structure of consumption for households. I investigate the heterogeneity that exists between agents: between firms in different sectors or location, and vertical and horizontal inequalities between households.

I am working on the PRINZ project for a productive and inclusive net zero in the UK, since January 2023 and on the CCG (Climate Compatible Growth Programme) since January 2024. I am based at the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment and at INET, the Institute for New Economic Thinking at the Oxford Martin School.

I hold a PhD in Economics from Université Paris-Saclay ( CentraleSupélec, LGI) and CIRED, and a Master in Engineering from Ecole Centrale Paris. You can download my PhD thesis from here.


  • Environmental policies
  • Technical change and growth economics
  • Inequalities


  • PhD in Economics, "Fair climate policies and technical change. Essays on distributional impacts and social acceptability on the path to net zero", Jan. 2019 - Dec. 2022

    Université Paris-Saclay

  • MSc in Environmental Economics, 2018

    AgroParisTech (Université Paris-Saclay)

  • MSc in Industrial Engineering, 2018

    CentraleSupélec (Université Paris-Saclay)
